Sedation Dentistry

Conscious sedation allows even the most high fear patient to overcome anxiety and experience a comfortable dental visit. With conscious sedation, Dr. Nguyen can often complete several dental procedures in just one appointment. 

With conscious sedation, the patient is minimally sedated and comfortable, yet still awake. You don’t really fall asleep, but you become so relaxed you often feel like you did. That’s because conscious sedation feels so relaxing and peaceful that you often don't even notice the passing of time.

New and safe oral sedation techniques may have many benefits for you.  Our office offers a form of miminal sedation dentistry known as, oral sedation.  


Oral sedation is a great option for patients who need more than just nitrous oxide, but don’t need or want general or IV Sedation. It allows many patients to be comfortably, minimally sedated through their entire dental visit by taking a single, small pill one hour before their dental appointment. 

It is important that when choosing oral sedation, that you have a friend or family member, drive you to your appointment and pick you up after your appointment.  It is also important to wait several hours after receiving oral conscious sedation (taking the pill prescribed) before you drive.  

While all methods of sedation are very safe,  oral sedation has proven to be extremely safe, as well as very effective. Dr. Nguyen uses very common oral medications that have proven to be extremely safe and widely prescribed. 

Who qualifies for sedation dentistry?

Nearly everyone who is reluctant to visit the dentist due to fear and anxiety.

What dental procedure can be done using conscious sedation?

Virtually all procedures

Contact us for more information regarding the sedation dentistry options offered by Dr. Nguyen or to schedule your appointment.